Summer newsletter 2024

Type of post: Orchestra news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Roger Stafford
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 26 Jun 2024
The Parkrunners
RYMY: a brief history
Laure Chan, Schumann Violin Concerto
From the Podium
More insight from Rina
Concert review
Cake recipe corner


News in brief

This year sees the orchestra’s busiest and most ambitious concert season yet. Not only have we performed Rimsky Korsakov’s Scheherazade, the Grieg Piano Concerto with Firoze Madon, the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto with soloist Katie Mazur and Dvorak’s 8th Symphony, but we are preparing for a major outdoor summer concert on Chorleywood Common, Beethoven’s last major work, the famous 9th Choral Symphony, in September, followed by a Christmas Nutcracker family concert in December.
We have once again organised and run the Rickmansworth Young Musician of the Year competition which had 36 entries. The three winners and our judges are shown above. There is more about the competition inside this issue.